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PhD Club de Cécile Pernin : Nonlinear automatic gain control analysis

par Arnaud Lelevé - publié le


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Cécile Pernin présentera lundi 13 mai de 12h30 à 14h00 en salle Bourbonnais au H9 (ECL) ses travaux de recherche concernant :

Nonlinear automatic gain control analysis

This presentation focuses on the analysis of the nonlinear automatic gain control (AGC) which is used in order to make a mass oscillate at its natural frequency with a specified amplitude. Despite their widespread use in Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor gyroscopes, ensuring the stability of this oscillation remains challenging. We investigate the stability of two versions of the AGC : an ideal and an implementable one, using appropriate change of variables and transverse contraction criterion from orbital stability theory. The results are validated through a numerical example obtained from a real gyroscope system.

Si la présentation vous intéresse, contacter Xavier Bombois pour les codes Zoom.