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14/12/2020 - Mohamed BEN MARZOUK

by Laurent Krähenbühl - published on , updated on


  • Monday 14 December 2020 from 10:00 to 12:00 -

    Thèse Mohamed BEN MARZOUK

    Résumé :

    Apport des cycles d’usage représentatifs synthétiques pour les études de vieillissement de batteries dans les nouveaux usages de mobilité

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Mohamed Ben Marzouk defends his PhD on Dec. 14, 2020 at 10:00 AM.
Place : visio conference only

Contribution of representative synthetic usage cycles for battery aging studies in new mobility applications

Jury :
Rapporteurs : BOUSCAYROL Alain (Université de Lille), GUERIN Patrick (Université de Nantes)
Membres : BUISSON Christine (IFSTTAR), RIU Delphine (Grenoble INP / G2Elab), SAUVANT-MOYNOT Valerie, (IFPEN)
Encadrement : VENET Pascal (Université Lyon 1 / Ampère), PELISSIER Serge (IFSTTAR), CLERC Guy (Université Lyon 1 / Ampère), SARI Ali (Université Lyon 1 / Ampère)

Abstract :
Currently, most battery life predictions in electromobility applications are based on models and results from standardized cycling tests. The profiles used for this accelerated aging are made from charges / discharges, partial or total, at constant currents, or formed by simplified profiles inspired by real uses. They include simple impulses and only partially represent the diversity of uses.
The specificity of this thesis lies in the fact that the battery aging study is based on data from several electric vehicles in real-life application from the CROME project.
In the first part of this manuscript, we analyzed and classified the different registered uses, which allowed us to identify 5 modes of use that represent all the registered uses. These modes of use include 3 types of driving and 2 types of recharging.
We then studied the influence of each of these modes of use on aging using different methods and validated the various obtained results by performing several experimental tests of calendar and cycling aging.
Finally, we built several usage scenarios and studied their respective aging. We have, on the one hand, experimentally compared the aging produced by a representative profile of real uses with that generated by the WLTC standardized profile. On the other hand, we studied, based on our simulator, the influence of the frequency and periodicity of recharging on aging as well as the impact of V2H (Vehicle to Home) use on battery life.

Key Words : Transport; Energy storage; Battery; Lithium-ion; real-life use; datamining; mode of use; V2H

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